Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

POLITICS: White House Forces Censorship of New York Times

  • The NYTimes link (in the article above) shows the version, WITH censorship (i.e. black boxes) included. WHAT first amendment? I don’t care who agreed to what, the White House censoring a paper (even via previously-made agreements) does not smell like freedom to me! (more…)

VoltaireCarolyn, Kipp, & I went to see a Voltaire show recently. It was at Club Five, which we’d never been to. It was a 1-man acoustic show, with us 2 feet away, which made it very personal. Kipp kept buying me drinks, so I was drunk enough to lose the setlist afterwards. Oops!

Carolyn wrote a thorough writeup HERE. A list of all concerts I’ve been to can be found HERE.