Take the test. My results below. 9 types listed here. Thanks, Parthena.

I guess the things I am the least are Peacemaker, Artist, Motivator, Helper. haha

I wont help. I’ll lead reform! With skeptic generalism/enthusiasm. While thinking a lot.

The Nine Personality Types of the Enneagram, in the order that I scored with them:
7 for Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type.
6 for Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type.
6 for Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type.
5 for Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type.
4 for Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type.
3 for Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type.
2 for Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type.
2 for Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type.
1 for Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type.

Type 1=4 / Type 2=3 / Type 3=2 / Type 4=2 / Type 5=7 / Type 6=5 /Type 7=6 / Type 8=6 / Type 9=1