First off, the easy part: I wont be voting for McCain because I’m not a fucking retard who ignored everything that happened the last 8 years, A vote for McCain is like saying Bush did nothing wrong, war in the middle east is good, and the relaxing of banking regulations was a good move because the market must be free. (Gee, look what happened.) Nevermind the fact that as the gay-marriage-hating party, they now literally are the party that wants to use the govenrment to repress 10% of people from having equal rights, simply because those rights are counter to their prevailing religius beliefs.

Now, the hard part: I wont be voting for Barack Obama, although I will say he is clearly, clearly, clearly the better candidate out of the two.

Why? Becuase he sure as hell doesn’t represent “change”. If by “Change” he means, “Not Bush”, I would expect that from any sensible candidate. (Note that this does not include John McCain.) But he barely represents change.

Let’s see…

Barack Obama voted for immunity for the telecom corporations that illegally spied on Americans after claming to be against THAT as well! I 2007, he said: “To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.” Yet in 2008, he failed to do just what he said, and helped grant immunity to the telcos, who helped commit what is quite likely the greatest illegal mass surveillance of a company’s own customers in American history.

Barack Obama said he was against the Patriot Act, yet, just like with the telecom immunity, helped vote to re-authorize it anyway. “This is just good leadership” people will claim, probably citing that it was the leseser of two evils versus not passing it. Of course, that’s just how they want you to think… That our politicians have no other choice but to do the things they are. In which case, if they are so helpless, why do we bother to vote? (Oh wait. Americans vote far less than most democracies. 2008 will hopefully turn out to be a big exception to that!)

I have to ask — is it really “Change” when he doesn’t live up to his own word and changes nothing?

Barack Obama supports the failed drug war and does not believe in the legalization of marijuana. Of course, this drug war is something that has cost more American lives and dollars than 911, Afghanistan, and Iraq put together. He has also called for stepped-up enforcement. Considering that the drug war disproportionately jails racial minorities, we have black people basically voting for a black man that would cause them to continue to be jailed. Real smart. (But again, he’s better than McCain in this aspect.) Of course, if you truly believe the drug war is a problem, you should never vote for a candidate who supports it. The Libertarians have not once run a candidate who supports the failed drug war — other than in 2008. Bob Bar is a scumbag who directly blocked the D.C. Medical Marijuana referendum as a Georgian congressman. Just because he had a change of heart and now supports the Libertarian platform doesn’t mean he’s not an enemy to democracy. The Libertarians fucked up big this time. Of course, Ralph Nader does not support the drug war at all. At least Obama (and McCain too, I hear) both want to end the federal government’s involvement in raiding marijuana dispenseries that operate within state laws. Go federalism!

Barack Obama supports military action against Iran (“The U.S. should take no option, including military action, off the table.”) It’s off the table with Nader. And regardless of what the consensus is, it would be a BAD, BAD, BAD idea (the Pentagon agrees). Nevermind the fact that we never won the war in Afghanistan, despite what conservatives may claim. Joe Biden has stressed that Obama is strongly pro-Israel. I’m not. I don’t think they should be getting the amount of money we get when they are already the per-capita leader in military expenditures (america is #2, and #1 for total expenditures, not even counting what we fund Israel). And I think Israel is largely behaving like a bully — much like America, actually. We shouldn’t protect their peace when they refuse to make any with the Palestinians. And I say this as someone of Jewish decent. (Grandma in Nazi camp, Grandad liberated her, yada yada.) That of course means that if anything happens between Israel and Iran, we’ll somehow be “required” to step in. Just great, considering Israel has been trying to clear the way for an invasion of Iran for some time now.

Barack Obama also supports military strikes inside of Pakistan. Ironically, McCain doesn’t appear to support this. (!!!!) Nevermind that Pakistan actually has nukes, UNLIKE Afghanistan. Nevermind that we have not once, but twice now caused Pakistan troops to fire on American troops. Nevermind that we have now dropped bombs inside of Pakistan, killing civilians. It’s not possible for us to simultaneously fight every nation of our choosing on the planet. Nader simliarly does not support any action against Pakistan at all. It’s off the table.

Barack Obama voted against a federal gay marriage, yet he is against it personally, and thinks that laws about marriage should be left to the states. Can you imagine if we had said the choice to discriminate against black people best be left to the states? People would justfiably go ape-shit at such a statement! Either you consider the choice of being able to marry who you love a basic civil right, or you don’t. If it is a basic civil right, it should exist it the federal level and apply to all Americans, and a President should support making this happen. We don’t have “Freedom of speech, except in Texas”; we have freedom of speech for all. There’s really no room for compromise in this. Nader thinks the government should “get out of the marriage business”, which is what I’m all about. I may be splitting hairs, but I’m simply trying to make the point that Obama is not the best candidate. Like Obama, McCain also masked his tolerance for intolerance as being pro-states’ rights as well. Neither of these guys is going to make a difference for the right to marry at a federal level, but McCain is of course more intolerant — he thinks gays should be out of the military completely.

Barack Obama supports the criminal bailout of failed corporations, as does John McCain. It’s no coincidence that the two corporate business-loving parties love the idea of socializing losses (but keeping profits private; Exxon broke it’s record AGAIN this quarter). Of course, every other major 3rd party candidate (Bob Barr, Nader, McKinney, Baldwin) sensibly opposses this measure, which was bullied on the american public like a mafioso visiting a Mom-and-Pop convenience shop, big stick in hand, threatning softly: “You wouldn’t want anything to happen to the economy, would you? Accidents happen. People get hurt. Better pay up your protection money.”

Barack Obama supports lawsuits against gun manufacturers for murders. That’s like suing McDonalds for making you get fat. Or suing a detergent manufacturer if someone poisons your spouse with detergent. Anyone who thinks it automatically makes sense to sue someone who manufactured something that killed someone is obviously forming their opinion from the emotional area of “I don’t like guns, therefore I support any action taken against guns”. If you don’t care about the constitutional right to own a gun, or the freedom for people to do things that YOU DON’T LIKE, then please move on over to the “suppressionist” side; you are not a freedom lover, you just love actions that you agree with. Freedom means allowing people to do things they don’t want, and last I checked: Owning a gun was a constitutional right. Like free speech. Exactly like free speech. This has been reaffirmed by the Supreme Court for the first time in 70 years just last year.

Barack Obama supports towns having stricter gun laws than what is federally allowed. Gee, last time I checked it was a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Imagine if a candidate said, “I support towns having stricter freedom of speech laws than what is federally allowed.” It would be a death knell to any campaign to broadcast a basic disdain for the constitution, especially since the first thing a President does is take an oath to uphold the constitution. Yet, because bleeding-heart liberals hate guns, the constitution somehow becomes something that can be disregarded. These are the same people who are mad that they are arrested at protests, and made to protest in “free speech zones”. They are mad that their first amendment is violated, yet they are quite willing to stand behind someone willing to violate the second amendment. That’s hypocritical, and not true respect for freedom. Barack supported the D.C. gun ban as well, until it was determined to be unconstitutional — at which point he had no choice but to flip-flop.

Barack Obama does not believe in concealed carry licenses, despite the fact that not knowing which people around you might be carrying a gun is indeed a deterrent to crime. If it wasn’t, then why do we have secret air marshalls on the planes? They’re not just there to enforce the rules, but to deter as well. I have had friends who have been seriously attacked and hurt by ex-spouses/lovers, and have had to resort to such measures to protect their own lives; I support anyone’s basic right to life, and the right to protect their own life is even more basic to me than the right to free speech or food.

(Even more so since the police get to excercise this right in spades, being able to legally kill anybody they even falsely perceive as a threat; even a robber with a plastic gun inside a bay window at a Halloween party on Halloween, which I use as an unfortunate-but-true example.)

Barack Obama wants to expand the H1-B visa program. No surprise. Democrats love profit too. Ralph Nader wants to stop the H1-B “brain drain” visa, which definitely harms american workers. A lot of the liberal tech community (readers of Slashdot, for example) believes this as well, and it’s no surprise: We want to protect our own asses. I’ve worked with H1-B Visa holders. If they lose their job, they go back to China. Of course they’re willing to work for cheaper when faced with that, and of course that distorts the market by supplying cheap labor. It hurts the wages of every citizen and helps the corporations. I don’t see eye to eye with Barack here at all.

Barack Obama, health-wise, will be bad. A many people have pointed out, BOTH PRESIDENTS would result in fewer people getting medical coverage! Between 1 and 50 million, depending on what you read. Nobody anywhere is saying either candidate will result in more people being covered! How many young liberals who don’t have proper medical plans are going to get bankrupted by medical bills (the leading cause of bankruptcy) themselves over the next 4-8 years? And out of those, how many will have voted for Obama? Ralph Nader (and Cynthia McKinney) supports a single-payer health care system and full Medicare for everyone. EVERYONE. You can still have your fancy expensive private doctors if you are a rich (and you can afford extra taxes too! Don’t be greedy, rich!). But the 40M, soon-to-be 41M, 60M or 90M (depending on who’s numbers you trust) Americans without insurance would be able to have care too. And 95% of them are going to vote against their own care, by not supporting a candidate who supports this! Just stab yourself; it’ll be the lesser of two evils! Even Libertarian candidate Bob Barr wants to cut costs by reducing controls and regulations.

Ralph Nader has said he is specifically against corporate welfare. I wish Obama would say something like that. Maybe he has?

Barack Obama wont pull troops out of Iraq as fast as Ralph Nader, but at least he says he will eventually do that.

Joe Biden supports the 21 drinking age, something that I’m pretty sure 100% of people would be against. Yet how many people who complained when they were 18, 19, and 20, now support him and vote for him? How many people who got in trouble for drinking underage are going to turn around and vote for someone who supported it?

I also read Joe Biden helped create the mandatory minimum system, but don’t know if that is the case. If so, then he’s helped take away more unnecessary liberty from American citizens than almost anyone I know — even Bush.


Suffice to say that, while in the middle of writing this posting, I went out and voted for Ralph Nader. The Democratic party is certainly a lot closer to what I would call “sanity” than the current withered Republican party, and if this were truly a 2-party election, they would get my vote. But it isn’t, and they are way too centrist for me, and not nearly pro-freedom enough. They’re not even socially liberal enough!


Also, be prepared for me to say “this is what you Obama voters caused” at every bad thing prepetrated by this administration’s platform for the next 4-8 years.

When we attack another country in a bullshit war, when we break the annual record for marijuana arrests yet again (which happened under Clinton, too, even though he smoked it!), when the next bad thing happens, and there’s no one else to blame it on — I’ll be telling you: “Don’t blame me; *I* didn’t vote for him!”


Still, I have a sense that there will be less to complain about than during the Bush administration. And for that, I will be thankful for the extra free time I get when NOT having to bitch about something online. :)


Mood: would like a car to go vote with… can either walk or wait for Carolyn
Music: D.I. – Wounds From Within