32 Responses to “Ask Me Anything”

  1. Scoot Says:

    yo dude,

    I just saw you reviewed my movie. I really appreciate it…especially the kind words. Shoot me an e-mail at scoot@thejackbird.com I have a couple questions for you and would like to tell you a little more about the movie and stuff.


  2. Jen Says:

    Hello – I am trying to contact the copyright holder for the postcast “I can’t believe it. I forgot to have children! – b40c2” that you posted on Flickr:

    By chance, is there any copyright info on the card itself? Any info would be extremely appreciated!!



    Jen Recknagel
    Co-Producer | Markham Street Films Inc.
    487 Adelaide St. W., Suite 201, Toronto, ON, M5V 1T4
    T: 416-536-1390 x 226 | F: 416-536-7986


    1. Clint Says:

      Sorry, I have no clue :)

  3. Chen Qi Says:


    I am a PhD student in School of Computing, NUS. I am doing research on personal videos. I find that your videos in YouTube are very interesting and helpful for our research.

    Would you like to allow us to publish your videos as a video dataset in the science community? We will very appreciate your generosity.
    Please e-mail me at chenqi@comp.nus.edu.sg if you are interested.

    Thank you very much.

    1. Clint Says:

      Hi – did you guys ever use those?

  4. Dear Clint,

    How much wood does a woodchuck chuck?

    -The Cat


    1. Clint Says:

      Hi Loretta :)

      I’m afraid you missed that one by about a month. I refer you to my post about how much wood a woodchuck chucks, posted on October 18th this year:

      COMEDY: FORMSPRING: The Ultimate Answer To “How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck?”

  5. Jay Fell Says:

    Dear Clint,
    I just bought two new subgenius books on Amazon.com titled “The Dada Book of the Censored” and “The Second Dada Book of the Censored” and I LOVED them, they totally rearranged my brain and striped me of all remaining normalcy. My question is this, I sent Rev. Stang a thank you letter for the new books and he wrote back saying he has never heard of them and “hates” the author personally… So what should I think Clint?
    The books kick ass but My Church leader Stang says they are bad….
    who to follow?
    And is Stang joking? did he really write these books and just use a pen name?
    Or if not and he really hates the writer… then why?
    J. Fell

    1. Clint Says:

      Those books don’t even have google results! I’ve never heard of them.

      1. Jay Fell Says:

        well here is the link for amazon.com maybe you have heard of amazon? they sell books


        1. Jay Fell Says:

          and here is the page on Amazon with all this guys books (he writes allot it seems) http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=dr.+adam+ireland
          anyway, Stang wrote me back again and said that because I bought those two books I will never be allowed at another X-day event again… Clint, that seems kinda ruff doesn’t it?

  6. Jay Fell Says:

    The writer is even mentioned by name on Wikipedia ” Recent writers have been using the “dada” method in novel form as recently as 2012, for example Dr. Adam Ireland who has written over 18 novels in the Dada format.” see link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada#Legacy and Clint I found this guy alllll over google.

    1. Jay Fell Says:

      OK, very weird… that quote from Wikipedia just disappeared… but i swear I saw it there when i posted this, Honest Clint it was there… now its gone.

  7. Clint Says:

    @Jay Fell: Yes, Stang’s reaction IS rough. I don’t think anybody should be banned from anything simply because of a book they chose to buy and read.

    But maybe you’ve also done other bad things and are not presenting me the whole story. There’s no way for me to know. Maybe you’re the one publishing these books, which are trademark violations, and you’re trying to get free advertising by writing about it here.

    I don’t know.

    The Church Of The SubGenius has seemed to become a very hostile place in the past 2 years, with many people getting banned for reasons I find inappropriate and against the very philosophy CotS represents.

    Even me and my wife were banned from X-Day — for me saying 5 words Stang didn’t like — and only un-banned because someone higher-up made a call on our behalf to reverse the ban. During this period, lies (slander and libel) were told about me via the internet and over the phone by Stang (they weren’t invented, just exaggerated; I got triple blame for doing something 3 times in 3 years when I’d only actually did once), and Stang made it a point to tell me I’d been a dick to him both in person and online, when I’d never even talked to him in person for more than 2 minutes, and only emailed him maybe 3 times in my life. It made no sense.

    I was ultimately apologized to, then sent a long, 10 page email to Stang, which was utterly ignored. This flew in the face of his many postings on Scrubgenius stating “if anyone has a problem, just email me to talk it out”. I’ve seen him say that at least 5 times, but when I emailed him, I was ignored.

    At that point, my personal opinion was that I very much think that it’s no longer the open club for weirdos it once was.

    Some of that is Stang’s recent decent into paranoia, where he literally thinks people knocking on his door are his enemies showing up at his house, and anyone throwing an event with Subgeniuses present that he did not create is “stealing his business”. Some of it is that he has passed his power on to others, who have abused it and basically made it so that anyone they don’t like on a personal level is no longer welcome at SubGenius events.

    A lot of people are banned. A lot of people have stopped going because of the people that are banned. A lot of people have stopped participating in the Church altogether due to backlash from others. Half of the friends I made won’t be present there anymore. When I went back last year to my 4th X-Day, it was already less fun because friends I’d had for years could not or would not go. Some of the people that I didn’t meet in person, but interacted with on facebook every day for a year so that I’d be able to interact with them at the next X-Day — did not go because of the bans. I felt it wasted a lot of my time.

    Even people in other countries have left the church over friction caused by recent leadership actions.

    So I dunno. I don’t really care about the book links you posted, won’t be visiting, or buying them, and am not interested in them or promoting them. And from a thread on Scrubgenius, it sounds like these books are glaring trademark infringement, and should be DMCA’ed off the face of the internet forever.

    Sorry you got banned. But I’m not interested in discussing or promoting the fake SubGenius books, so I won’t ever have any information on them. They’ll probably be going away once a legal request is filed by the church. And I don’t know what my own future with the church is either.

    The situation of watching peoples’ feelings be hurt needlessly by being banned because someone else misunderstood a joke not even directed at them totally flies in the face of the “FUCK THEM IF THEY CAN’T TAKE A JOKE” SubGenius motto, and has given me & my wife much to think about in relation to how organized religion — even parody religion — often falls into the same traps and pitfalls of any cult. I have a somewhat unique insight because my grandfather started a cult, and I’ve read a lot about the stories relating to that cult’s internal power struggles — and they mirror some of the situations that have happened within Church Of The SubGenius.

    That is very sad to me.

  8. jennythehottestsubgeniuschickever Says:

    Hello Mr. Clint,
    About those two books, I also bought them both and they are really good, but does that mean I will also be banned from X-Day? This was going to be my first X-Day and I was going to go topless. Why should anyone be banned from a group that is for the people who are banned from the rest of the world? I read your comments about this and I wish I had been old enough to have joined the chruch back when it was real. :(

    1. Clint Says:

      Uhhh… Same IP address, Jay Fell. I know that’s you. Just lost all your credibility there, bud.

      1. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

        actually we all work in the same school. same ip.

        1. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

          it was Jay who turned me on to your blog in the first place.

    2. Clint Says:

      PLEASE go topless. You’ll be fine.

  9. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

    Well, this is a fine find.
    I am the guy who wrote those two books and Clint I just want to clear that copy right issue up for you. Firstly the “Dobbshead” used on the books has been changed and disfigured by the required 60% to avoid the registration of image violation. Next the word “Subgenius” is actually not copy righted I had my lawyer check the copy right library and it is not actually listed. Also Stang has been offered all the profits from the book sales, thats right 100% of the profits have been offered to him. Personally I wrote these two books to help out a few good yeti, not to get rich. I have 17 published novels for sale and those are what I earn my living on. also note that the price of the two books in question is less than five dollars each, obviously not priced to make anyone rich. Oh and Clint one more thing, these two books were written in Cambodia and published in Cambodia, And Cambodia has never signed the international copy right convention.
    Also Clint I enjoy your blog, it is a great way to spend my few free moments, Thanks for the work.
    Also as a thanks I will send you free PDF copies of the two books should you want.

  10. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

    oh and Yes it is not cool that people are getting banned from X-Day because they read a book. That is just really messed up.

    1. Clint Says:

      I don’t know if that’s something you made up with your 3 (so far) identities that you’re posting with, or something real. I kinda feel trolled now.

      1. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

        ok, well a little trolling i guess, jay and jenny were helping me out a bit and today they told me about it. feel free to delete the links and such its ok, and i will still send you free PDFs of my books. sorry I guess that was a bit underhanded. they will be disciplined… especially jenny.
        But Jay did get banned thats true.

  11. Lisa Says:

    Formspring – fargozmom


  12. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

    Hey Clint here is Stang’s response to the books.
    “I am Khristina VanHall, authorized legal representative of Douglass
    S. Smith, president of The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. regarding
    trademark infringements. Let this mark and my email address be
    considered my electronic signature: / Khristina VanHall /. If you
    require more identification please inform me of a specific way you would
    like it delivered. I can fax you a copy of my hand-signature on paper if

    Two of our registered marks are being used against our
    wishes and without our permission by your publishing company/website.
    One is an image and one is the name “SubGenius.” In this case your
    customer has also used a photograph of Douglass S. Smith without
    permission as well as copyrighted portions of text.

    The trademark image
    being infringed is seen on this status page from the U.S. government
    It is the image of a smiling man with a pipe, Registration Number:
    3074931, Serial Number 78534433

    The trademark word being infringed is
    “SUBGENIUS,” Registration Number: 3170519, Serial Number 78003984 as
    seen on this status page from the U.S. government trademark

    Both trademarks and the unauthorized photograph of Douglass S.
    Smith are being used in the following two books published by your
    company, with Adam Ireland claiming authorship:

    The Second Dada Book of
    the (Censored): (Censored) by the church of the subgenius [Paperback]
    Adam Ireland (Author)
    being sold on Amazon.com



    The Dada Book of the (Censored): Censored by the church of
    the Subgenius by Dr Adam Ireland (Apr 4, 2012)
    being sold on Amazon.com


    Both publications also use scrambled but recognizable copyrighted
    texts from Douglass S. Smith’s book, THE BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS,
    published by Simon and Schuster, ISBN # 0-671-63810-6.

    A Wikipedia
    article shows the original (authorized) photo of Douglass S. Smith that
    your client has altered and used without permission, and also describes
    his books and works done under the SubGenius
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Stang [5]
    (“Ivan Stang” is the
    pen name of Douglass Smith, as indicated in that article.)
    I can be
    reached at:

    Khristina VanHall

    The use of the SubGenius trademarks by your company and Adam
    Ireland is very definitely not authorized by Douglass Smith, myself, or
    the trademark and copyright laws of the United States. We suggest that
    the use is intended to harm Douglass S. Smith financially and to harm
    his reputation and that of The SubGenius Foundation.

    I declare under
    penalty of perjury that the information in this notice is accurate, that
    Douglass S. Smith is the trademark and copyright owner, and that I am
    directly authorized by Douglass S. Smith to act on his behalf.”

    The last part is the funniest, invoking “perjury” law in an e-mail… its like his lawyer never studied law.

  13. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

    but in response i wrote 3 more…
    seen here



  14. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

    Also cooked up just to really drive the point home (and increse an old man’s paranoia) new titles like “The book of the subkeeness” “high beardness by male” and “Theory X: The Fillmore Quanta-cryphon” all to be availible on amazon.com in about 12 hours from now.
    As a wise man once said “Dont just eat a hamburger, eat the hell out of it!” also by the same man “too much is always better than not enough”
    judging the man at his words
    I have released all 6 new titles, one includes the actual e-mail from Ivan’s (Doug Smith’s) lawyer to my publisher.

  15. Dr. Adam Ireland Says:

    hows this for a rip off.

    doug will shit himself…

    1. Clint Says:

      Alright. You’ve made your “point”. I don’t really care. This is a page for asking me questions, not a SubGenius forum. You have reached your lifetime limit for comments on this page; future comments will be marked as spam.

  16. Ryan Says:

    Hey there!

    Just with reference to this post – http://www.flickr.com/photos/clintjcl/2694187454/ – the last Longbox by Danzig I’m looking for is the one for Black Aria. Would you be looking to sell your copy at all? I’m *extremely* generous/flexible with prices. See my current collection and ‘want list’ here: http://www.ryan-s.org/danzig

    Please get in touch via email with me at ryan [at] ryan-s [dot] org. If you could get in touch I would be most grateful. Cheers! :)

  17. C. Lewis Says:

    do you still have yaffa blocks for sale>

    1. Clint Says:

      They were never for sale

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