
RANTS: The ‘Busy’ Trap

YES! Next time someone they are “so busy”, I’m going to send them this. It’s bugged me for a long time, and this enumerates exactly why it’s so fucking annoying to hear that from people.

Everyone should read this. This isn’t at all the type of thing I usually post… that’s how much it speaks to me.


MUSIC: Ween breaks up – Stereogum


But can’t say I didn’t see this coming – it’s been longer since a proper Ween release than at any point in their 25 year career.

I’m glad I got to see them live 7 times (10 of you count Gene Ween band and Gene Ween solo shows).

It looks like of my 3 favorite bands even (The Misfits, Atari Teenage Riot, Ween) — there is still 1 left: Atari Teenage Riot who recently reformed. (No, the new Misfits don’t count.)

This is the saddest music news since the death of Type O Negative singer Peter Steele.


CARTOONS: Researchers strive to understand brony culture

best headline ever!


POLICE BRUTALITY: 85 shots: US cops use more ammo per man than Germans per year

Slightly confusing, but what the headline really means is “there are many instances where police used more bullets against 1 person than Germany used in an entire year against all criminals in the country”.

Now, if you extrapolate out the fact that the U.S. population is almost 4 times that of Germany’s, the real number to compare is not 85 shots, but about 340 shots.

Contrast to America, where *to stop a reckless driver* last year, police fired over 110 shots, including shooting 7 innocent bystanders. We routinely shoot unarmed people 40-90 times.

Yeah…. It’s not just our larger population at work. When our police use more bullets in a single incident than a country previously associated with fascism does all year — it gives one major pause at how fucked up and broken our system is, and how piss-poor our over-militarized, trigger-happy police operate. 

Not making assumptions here. I’ve worked them them, eaten lunch with them, and heard them talk about how they want someone to cause them to have a chance to shoot them. It’s sickening.


RELIGION: Loyalty to your church is more important than not raping children – Not just in Catholicism, but Judaism too

But anyway, here’s a story of a Jewish person who turned in the person raping his child, and was shunned by his community, harassed, and kicked out of his residence.

Hasidic Jews, that is. These are the hardcore orthodox types. People who take their supernatural beliefs way too seriously, and then inflict them on other people.

Religion has got to be one of the top enemies for children.

(Islam is even worse in that they don’t need to worry about covering up chid rape quite as much as the other religions, because Mohamad set the awesome example of marrying a six year old while he was in his 50s, and Sharia says you execute the rape victim, not the rapist, so what’s left to cover up?)

In general, fuck religious people. Even the ones that do no wrong help prop up communities like this by passing on supernatural beliefs that have nothing to do with the modern-day world. If you don’t like my attitude, here is a cup of I don’t give a fuck that you can drink.

This is basically looking like the same bullshit the pope and various bishops have pulled repeatedly.


RELIGION: Loyalty to your church is more important than not raping children – Not just in Catholicism, but Judaism too

But anyway, here’s a story of a Jewish person who turned in the person raping his child, and was shunned by his community, harassed, and kicked out of his residence.

Hasidic Jews, that is. These are the hardcore orthodox types. People who take their supernatural beliefs way too seriously, and then inflict them on other people.

Religion has got to be one of the top enemies for children.

(Islam is even worse in that they don’t need to worry about covering up chid rape quite as much as the other religions, because Mohamad set the awesome example of marrying a six year old while he was in his 50s, and Sharia says you execute the rape victim, not the rapist, so what’s left to cover up?)

In general, fuck religious people. Even the ones that do no wrong help prop up communities like this by passing on supernatural beliefs that have nothing to do with the modern-day world. If you don’t like my attitude, here is a cup of I don’t give a fuck that you can drink.

This is basically looking like the same bullshit the pope and various bishops have pulled repeatedly.


WAR ON DRUGS: Student abandoned in DEA holding cell drank own urine to survive, tried to kill self after 5 days of no food or water

home of the brave here.. not charged, ends up in intensive care due to negligence of a government that’s supposed to protect us, not injure us.

And your tax dollars paid for this. Funny how the worst stories are never about a white person.

The DEA is an evil organization. They do not make the world better. They are a waste of tax dollars. And Obama has done nothing to stop them, and in fact has empowered them.

And how the fuck are their bags of methamphetamine in a DEA holding cell anyway? DEA is incapable of administering themselves! Why do they even have their own holding cells?


COMICS: The 8 Most Awkward Sexual Moments in Comic Book History |

Ha!   I read about the Emma Frost / Cyclops / Jean Grey thing in wikipedia recently and was like “jesus fucking christ”.. but Batman/Superman crying after watching tentacle sex, Green Lantern sleeping with a 13 year old, Wolverine trying to sleep with a 15 year old Mary Jane, and Nightcrawler knowingly banging his sister despite being Catholic? Wowie…


THIN BLUE LINE: No Good Cops Go Unpunished When They Stop a Beatdown

Bad cops are “just a few bad apples”?  Kinda like how just a few of the Germans were bad during WW2, eh?  Pointed out in the comments is that the phrase “a few bad apples” comes from the origin whereby a few bad apples sealed in a barrel full of good apples will ruin all the other apples. The whole figure of speech of “A few bad apples”, as commonly used, is incorrect. A few bad apples after the fact means your whole barrel went rotten.

I did not realize this. 

So anyway… Here’s what happens when you’re a good apple. If you literally stop police from beating up an innocent person, as a cop, your job will be put on the line. Her department is calling her “psychologically unfit for duty” and trying to fire her. 

She’s also the first lesbian cop there.

video appearance at:

So if you wonder why people think cops are assholes — look no further than stories like this compared and contrasted to the neverending constant barrage of abuse of power performed by those with badges.

Funny how they are bringing up old bad things she supposedly did as reasons to get rid of her – reasons only brought up after this. I’ve seen such tactics used before, both in the news and in real life. :/


Read on for today’s interesting stories. (more…)

Even one of Arizona’s Senators thinks there was a 911 cover-up…. Whatever did happen, we are not getting the full story of. (WTC7 collapse didn’t have a single page in the 911 commission report, despite it being one of 3 steel structure to ever collapse from fire?) And of course there’s the predictable backlash from people who have already decided they know for sure what happened (I guess they know OJ was guilty/innocent too!). The comments on the original story are basically to the effect of “to even consider otherwise is craziness”. Of course, kindergarteners will think you are crazy if you say Santa Claus is just one big conspiracy. There are further comments from people whining that the WTC buildings were designed to withstand only small “office fires”, which is just more FUD. Actually, if you watch the PBS documentary about the buliding of the WTC — The WTC was SPECIFICALLY designed to take jet impacts (I can’t remember for sure, but I believe the architect said multiple jet impacts), after a plane hit the Empire State Building and caused a scare prior to the WTC being built. I think we need to build another WTC and fly some planes into it and see what happens, as a research project. At the very least, it would make a great Pay-Per-View event! (more…)

It’s a crazy day today! Check it out… The Jessica Rabbit picture is a realization of many childhood fantasies! (more…)

I stayed up late last night and poured the net for cool flickr links… And if anyone is wondering, the NIN single is encoded VBR. (more…)

  • WATER WARS: UN rejects access to water as basic human right — You have no right to live; you are a slave. “A hungry man is never free.” – Even truer for a thirsty man. They actually removed all references that recognized access to water as a human right from their resolution! Bottled water buyers have increased the potential profit so much that there are now likely corporate influences on global politics. The privatization of water has been one of the most important events to happen to us as a species in decades, is a much bigger deal than fighting over oil and energy, and is generally under-focused in the media. It’s only going to get worse. (tags: water rights UN)
  • Read on for more stories.. Lots more today———> (more…)

Man spends 9.5 months in jail because raped woman said “that’s him“. Of course, while he was in jail, the real rapist came back and raped her again (2 months later). He still wasn’t released until 7.5 months after THAT. That’s 9.5 months after the attack. This stuff happens all the time; before DNA, he would go to prison for decades or life based on someone pointing. Especially if he was black. The Innocence Project has exhonerated tons of people serving life sentences for falsely-accused rapes. But of course, since most of them are black, people would rather protect white woman’s rights — even when it means sending innocent people to prison. (tags: sex rape OverlyHarshPunishments DNA exhonerated falselyAccused)

WAR ON DRUGS: Federal marijuana decriminalization bill introduced — tell your congressman to support it here. Surveys tend to show that around half of Americans support decriminalization of marijuana. Since this is not a direct democracy, and you don’t get a vote, letting your congressman know what to do is the only way you will be represented. So speak up. Of course this wont make a real difference, as only 1% of marijuana arrests occur at the federal level. But federal penalties are draconian and extreme. (tags: marijuana Democrats BarneyFrank)
  • More stories past the jump —> (more…)
  • marijuana decriminalization bill introduced — tell your congressman to support it here Surveys tend to show that around half of Americans support decriminalization of marijuana. Since this is not a direct democracy, and you don’t get a vote, letting your congressman know what to do is the only way your opinion will be represented. So speak the fuck up. I did. (tags: marijuana )

    MUSIC + PICTURES: – enter any bandname, and it plays random music by them, while slideshowing FlickR pictures tagged with the band name . This was awesome! !! It also works with “Futurama”! (tags: music pictures flickr ) (more…)

    I gotta figure out how to get this Tim And Eric album.  Anyway, read on for the list. I think I’m slowly learning what not to do to mess up the formatting with the new version of wordpress. (more…)

    Heathers: the alternate ending. One of my favorite movies of all-time (it was #1 until I saw A Clockwork Orange and Brazil), and I didn’t even know there was an alternate ending scripted, but never shot. DARK. BRUTAL. (more…)

    And a net neutrality article — in UK corporations are already paying to put certain people in the (contrived) “slow lanes” of the internet. But I am frickin’ stoked that there will be an Arrested Development movie … And plan on watching the 7-minute I Am Legend alternate ending tonite. And of course, Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, is the most funny and bizarre show on television right now. And Eli de-lurks from the shadows to send me hilarious 24 Japanese commercials. What a day: Links about shows & movies dominate. (more…)

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